Wednesday, August 16, 2006

IT we get to do everything we want! muahas.

yesterday zeng scolded like crap. me, huiqing and cassandra was standing outside in one row and like so many teachers walked pass. even mr. ho today in class ask huiqing why she was outside the staff. hahah he didnt ask me. maybe he didnt see me? duno.

we get extra training for 2 training days. zeng is mad la. monday want us to stay until 630. go die la. we cant run continuously for 1 hour bah. somemore plus own training. we will die a horrible death.

huiqing is next to me.

"haha huiqing rocks! :D i know danielle agrees with me right?"


hahah nobody respond so danielle rocks the most!

{ huiqing 's blood is currently flowing out from her chit } and john is afraid of menses! cause he's red!! but huiqing keeps describing to him how it feels like. he say why cannot use for the whole time. "why not wash it and dry it." said by huiqing. like wth john is stupid to ask such a question. hahahha JOHN IS DUMB! and john says "am i dumb?" which makes him dumber!

this computer keyboard is the suckiest keyboard ever on living planet earth. so herd to type. keep typing wrong.

i'm getting bored. i duno what to do for another hour. duno why at home so many things to do but in school, there's basically nothing


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